I am glad that the School of Distance Learning & Continuing Education, KU has introduced
CBCS Semester Pattern for Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate courses being offered through ODL
mode in conformity with the guidelines of UGC - DEB, New Delhi. It is also understood that SDLCE
is following the Regulations of UGC - DEB with matters concerning to territorial jurisdiction of the
University and for establishment of Learners Support Centres and Examinations Centres.
The SDLCE is making all efforts to provide Self Instructional Materials to its learners in time and also arranging face - to - face and Online Contact class. It is making good efforts in strengthening its delivery mechanism to provide quality services to its learners. It presently offers 26 courses which includes UG and PG programmes and has an enrollment of about 40,000 students.
The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in the country is being streamlined through its UGC - DEB Regulations and hope SDLCE will accomplish its objectives to reach the unreached and fulfill the educational needs of our State in particular.
I wish SDLCE will stand up to its expectations in serving its learners with continued commitment and retain its position to be the largest dual mode University in our State.
All my best wishes to ODL Learners.